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Leitz Minolta CL


SKU: 1020206 Categories: ,

Minolta CL.

The Leica CL and Minolta CL were a developed together by Leica & Minolta.

The smallest Leica/Minolta camera with M mount. It is also one of the cheapest ways to get into the Leica M system.

This particular camera has been repaired and serviced, unfortunately the lightmeter is broken. However, the rangefinder and shutter speeds are spot-on after the service. The spool for the film pickup that often breaks is in perfect condition.

It is in near mint condition.

Minolta CL.

The Leica CL and Minolta CL were a developed together by Leica & Minolta.

The smallest Leica/Minolta camera with M mount. It is also one of the cheapest ways to get into the Leica M system.

This particular camera has been repaired and serviced, unfortunately the lightmeter is broken. However, the rangefinder and shutter speeds are spot-on after the service. The spool for the film pickup that often breaks is in perfect condition.

It is in near mint condition.